Fruit Fly

How To Remove Gnats And Fruit Flies From Your Home

Two of the most annoying pests that most of us encounter at one point or another have to be gnats and fruit flies. They just seem to buzz around you face and bother you, yet they are so small that it is hard to shoo them away. If you encounter either gnats or fruit flies, here is our advice on getting rid of them and keeping them away.


Identify What Insect You Are Dealing With

First off, it is important to first know how to identify if you are dealing with gnats or fruit flies. Gnats typically surround houseplants whereas fruit flies surround ripening fruits and veggies. Gnats are very small (1/8th of an inch) black flies with long legs. On the other hand, fruit flies can be tan, brownish-yellow, or brownish-black with bright red eyes.

Here are several tips that you can try yourself to rid your home of gnats:

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  • When watering houseplants, allow the soil to dry completely before watering again. This will decrease the survival rate of gnats.
  • Lay a 1-inch layer of sand on top of the soil of your potted plant. This will keep the gnats from digging into the soil (where they breed) and will still allow you to water your plants.
  • Here are some more tips to remove gnats, courtesy of
Gnat and fruit fly prevention |  Lookout Pest Control

To rid your home of fruit flies:

  • Throw away overripe fruit and vegetables. This is especially important if you keep your fruit and veggies out on the counter or in a fruit bowl.
  • Store your fresh fruit and veggies in the fridge if possible. This will deter fruit flies from gathering around your overripe fruit.
  • Create a fruit fly trap by pouring apple cider vinegar and 1-2 drops of liquid dish soap into an empty jar, seal the top with plastic wrap, secure the plastic wrap on the jar (you can do this with a rubber band, for example), then poke small holes in the plastic wrap with either a toothpick or fork. The smell of the apple cider vinegar will attract the gnats and they will then get stuck in the jar. Empty the vinegar every few days and repeat as necessary.

Need these gnats and fruit flies gone? Contact Lookout Pest Control, formerly Any Pest Inc., Today!

If your home becomes badly infested, it is best to contact a pest control company. Call the pest control professionals at Lookout Pest Control today. We have been servicing the metro-Atlanta area for over three decades, specializing in pest control and wildlife control. Contact us for a free estimate for any of your pest control needs.