Spider | Lookout Pest Control

Why Do Spiders Become A Bigger Problem During The Fall

Although Halloween has come and gone, you might be seeing those spooky spiders crawling around and forming webs still. This time around, they aren’t just decorations but they’re real and looking for a warm place to call home. They may even consider your home to be their new source of shelter and food. So why do spiders become a bigger problem during the fall? Simply put, they are searching for a mate and warmth to survive the cold weather approaching. With that being said, Lookout Pest Control, formerly Any Pest Inc., will share why spiders become an issue and a way to get spider pest control. 

What Kind Of Spiders Are Most Common To See This Fall?

The joro spider, black widow, brown widow, brown recluse, wolf spider, common house spider, orb weaver, crevice spider, trapdoor spider and others are typical to see around this time depending on your location. 

Some spiders mate and lay eggs in the fall, while others lay eggs in the spring. The ones that lay eggs in the spring quickly grow into large spiders. When the fall comes around they seem to be much more noticeable crawling around your home. They multiply quickly and can rapidly take over your home! You don’t have to settle for having spiders as roommates this Fall. 

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If you’re wondering what good ways to prevent a spider infestation, keep reading and Lookout Pest Control will share a few ways! 

  1. Inspect For Webs
  • Be sure to maintain a regular cleaning schedule. If you notice webs forming around your home and ceiling corners, start to dust and vacuum. Vacuuming is especially significant because it takes care of the spider webs you may not be able to see, and it also wipes out eggs and nymphs. 
  1. Seal Windows & Cracks
  • One of the best ways you can prevent spiders from crawling into your home is by blocking the areas they are most likely to enter. No need to worry about spider webs if the little critters can’t even get in! Our spider pest control service will have these areas professionally treated so you won’t have to worry about it. 
Spider | Lookout Pest Control
  1. Organize Your Items
  • As well as vacuuming and dusting, organizing is also quite important. If your home is overly cluttered with piles of things all over, you’re inviting spiders to come to live in the piles. Try your best to make your home clutter-free in order to ensure spiders won’t be tempted to invite themselves in. If they are not on the hunt for warmth, they are on the hunt for food and water. Be sure to clean up after yourself in the kitchen and secure any open foods to prevent a spider infestation. Also, it is important to note that spiders prefer living in dark, secluded areas such as basements, attics or garages. The reason for this is that, depending on their species, they rest during the day and come out at night when it’s dark. They are drawn to rebuilding new webs in the evening to catch prey. In fact, it has been proven that female nocturnal spiders specifically are likely to build their nests at around 8:00 p.m. to have peal web construction time. 
  1. Install Screen Doors & Windows
  • If you tend to keep your windows or doors open without giving it much thought, install screens for those places. Spiders easily get through holes in windows or crawl through tiny gaps around a door. If they are able to squeeze in those places, they can definitely come right in when the door is wide open! If you tend to keep your windows or doors open without giving it much thought, install screens for those places. Spiders easily get through holes in windows or crawl through tiny gaps around a door. If they are able to squeeze in those places, they can definitely come right in when the door is wide open! 

Above all, the best way to prevent a spider infestation this fall is to invest in spider pest control. 

  • You can trust Lookout Pest Control with our spider pest control services. For over three decades, Lookout Pest Control has offered residential and commercial pest control services to North Georgia and the surrounding area. With all of our experience, we know that a big part of choosing a pest control company is choosing a pest technician you can trust to come inside of your home. Our team is composed of experienced technicians that put your needs first. They will provide friendly, top-notch service, and are happy to answer any questions you may have throughout your treatment. 

Before thinking all is said and done and you will be spider-free all season, don’t forget about a spider infestation crawling in your yard and garden. However, this is a different circumstance due to the question of if you really “need” to kill them. Some spiders may actually help you outside by eating other insects and pests. In fact, they can keep harmful insects from damaging your garden and almost act as a protector. If spiders begin to wander in your home, call us for our spider control services! 

Lookout Pest Control - Pest Control and Exterminator Services in Kennesaw GA and the Atlanta Metro area and Tennessee

Our spider pest control service provides complete spider removal services and web removal. We have a nontoxic pesticide spray treatment in order to keep your family safe and healthy. We will utilize this spray treatment to get rid of spiders. If you want the best spider pest control service near you, you need to call Lookout Pest Control. They know what they are doing and will ensure that the spooky critters are long gone with the Halloween decorations. 

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