Holiday Pest Control Tips | Lookout Pest Control

Holiday Pest Control Tips: How to Keep the Bugs Out This Holiday Season

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Family and friends unite. The Macy’s Day Parade. Fireplaces blaze. Decorative lights. Turkey and eggnog. A time for giving thanks and sharing our homes with loved ones. The holidays bring us together is the most special way, and our homes become the center of entertainment and gathering. The last thing you want to deal with during the holiday season is a winter pest infestation! Pests are looking for three things: food, water, and shelter— all of which can often be found in and around your home. If pests find these, they just might move in and stay through the whole holiday season. In addition, seasonal changes affect pests’ behaviors. Regular inspections and targeted treatment services are important for homeowners to achieve a pest-free home and peace of mind this holiday season.  Check out these winter pest control tips to prevent unexpected guests from disrupting your holiday season.

Follow these 3 easy tips to help ensure a bug-free holiday season:

#1- Watch What You Bring In

Christmas Tree | Pest Control | Lookout Pest Control

During the holiday seasons, millions of homeowners and business owners decorate their homes and commercial spaces. Christmas trees, garland, decorative lights, firewood, and more are all brought in from the outside and can bring along a lot of pesky insects with them. Ants, spiders, ticks, and termites are very good at hiding deep in the branches of trees and garland. Firewood is a perfect place for insects to lay eggs which when brought indoors, can hatch in your home. How to do this: Make sure to properly inspect your decorative items before they enter your home. Shake out trees and garland, plus be sure inspect firewood for eggs and channels of insects.

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#2- Bugs Love Cardboard

Chances are your attic or basement is home to cardboard boxes full of ornaments, lights, candles, and other festive trinkets to adorn your home with. These boxes sit, untouched for months and months each year, and can become home for many insects. Silverfish, termites, spiders, cockroaches, and many rodents will make a home of your cardboard boxes. How to do this: Inspect your holiday boxes and the items inside on an outside surface before bringing them into your living spaces.

#3- Keep Your Kitchen Clean After a Holiday Meal