Beaver Control | Lookout Pest Control

Beaver Control in Georgia

Lookout Pest Control, formerly Any Pest Inc., offers beaver control in metro Atlanta and surrounding areas. Beavers can be a real nuisance for Georgia residents, especially those who live near water. The main reason they present problems for homeowners and business owners alike is that they chew trees and build dams throughout the year. In the Southeastern United States alone, beavers cause over $20 million in damage every year. The beaver population is especially large in Georgia because beavers are not trapped for fur here unlike in some of the northern states. This leaves the beaver population free to do as much damage as they can to buildings.

Signs of Beaver Activity

It is typically easy to tell whether or not beavers have been present. If you start to see dammed-up creeks, bridges, culverts, or drains or if you start to notice chewed-up trees, shrubs, fruit trees, or other parts of your landscape, it is likely that you have a beaver problem. In order to prevent damage to your property, you need to take action.

While there are certain things you can do to modify your surroundings so that beavers will be less attracted to your property, the best course of action is to call a professional wildlife control company.

Beaver Removal in Metro Atlanta

At Lookout Pest Control, formerly Any Pest Inc., we are experienced wildlife control professionals, and we know how to prevent damage to your property by removing beavers. We also know how to modify your environment so that you do not have beaver problems in the future. It is important to prevent damage to your valuable property, whether you are a homeowner or a business owner. Call Lookout Pest Control today so that we can help you with your wildlife issues.

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