fruit fly summer pest control

Summer Pest Control Tips: Dos and Don’ts

Summer is well underway and fun in the sun, backyard barbeques, splashing around in the pool and taking a vacation are all on your must-do list. The only problem is that while you are out of the house, pests will be attempting to get inside your cool, shaded home. Throughout the summer months, many pests such as ants, flies, gnats, roaches, wasps and even rodents are much more active. You may be wondering what you can do to prevent these pesky pests from getting inside your home? Read on to learn how to achieve summer pest control.

Here is a list of Dos and Don’ts to keep those summer pests out!


  • Replace weather-stripping around windows and repair loose mortar around theSummer Pest Control Dos foundation
  • Keep kitchen counters clean and store food in sealed containers
  • Eliminate areas of standing water
  • Keep landscaping trimmed and maintained
  • Remove hiding places for pests
  • Divert rainwater away from the house
  • Keep basements, attics and crawl spaces well ventilated and dry
  • Throw away overripe fruits and vegetables

The most important do is… do call a professional if you have a pest infestation in your home. Many pest infestations come with an increased risk of property damage and potential injury.

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  • Leave pet food dishes out for long periods of timeSummer Pest Control Don'tt
  • Let garbage compile
  • Leave dirty dishes in the sink
  • Store firewood and building materials up against the home
  • Ignore cracks or little openings around the bottom of the house
  • Let your sprinklers spray directly toward the foundation of your home
  • Let excess moisture accumulate in your home
  • Give pests a free meal

The most important don’t is…don’t try to remove a pest infestation on your own. It may be dangerous and inefficient to try to deal with it on your own.

This list of summer pest control tips should help eliminate pest activity in and around your home during the hot, summer months. If you do suspect a pest infestation in your home, contact the pest control professionals at Lookout Pest Control, formerly Any Pest Inc., today. We have been servicing the metro-Atlanta area for over three decades, specializing in pest control and wildlife control. Contact us for a free evaluation for any of your pest control needs.