Prepare For The Fall With Residential Pest Control

Believe it or not, Fall is almost here! This might be great news for you in terms of weather preference considering the temperature will slowly begin to drop soon. It is a great time to see colorful leaves, attend football games and haunted houses! But it’s also a time when pests try to make a home inside of yours to find warmth and food. And we all know that if there is even the smallest way for a pest to enter your home, they will. It is best to go ahead and start preparing now, so it won’t be an issue later on! Begin investing in a routine residential pest control service to purely enjoy your home this Fall! 

To avoid those annoying pests this fall, our pest control company, Lookout Pest Control, formerly Any Pest Inc., will share with you a few pest management tips to help you prepare your home.

Prepare Your Home For Fall Pests

Seal Cracks & Crevices

Affordable Plans For

Pest Control

Get your complimentary quote by phone and be one-step closer to pest-free living. We will create a service plan that best fits your needs and a state-certified pest control professional will perform thorough service.

The number one way pests enter your home is through the tiny cracks and crevices you have probably walked by a million times and never noticed. However, for insects or rodents, that is their gateway to safety. If your home has a sliding door, be sure to inspect any small opening that would make it easy for pests to enter. Also, a key to residential pest control is to be sure to inspect the siding and outer walls. You can seal these areas with caulk or steel wool, which could help block up any potential openings on the exterior of your home. Steel wool is useful because it is tough while remaining flexible. Its flexible abilities allow it to be pushed into various shapes and sizes of cracks and crevices. Rats and mice hate chewing through steel wool because the sharp edges of the wool hurt them while chewing. Our pest control service will then come by and be sure to eliminate any potential threat of pests finding a way in. 

Eliminate Garbage 

One main reason pests and critters try to enter your home is to find food. For this reason, a key point of a pest control service is to make sure this doesn’t happen! Be sure that any food source is tightly sealed. Having open garbage can quickly become a hotspot for any insect or pest looking for a meal. Avoid leaving food out for long periods of time as well, this applies to pet food too! Many pet owners leave food out overnight without thinking much about it, but pests don’t care if they are getting “human” food or pet food, they want it all! So, be sure to strategically store all foods away.

Clean Your Countertops

Do you have countertops full of snacks and fruits? This is essentially a buffet for any hungry pest. Make sure you have good airtight containers to store your food in as a way to manage residential pest control. After cooking a meal, try not to leave crumbs and dishes in the sink with food left to sit. Although it may not seem like much, mice only eat about 3 grams of food a day, and they can live off of crumbs. Don’t be surprised if you have a mouse friend in your home if you are luring him in with the amount of food left out! 

Inspect Your Basement, Attic & Crawl Spaces

You want to make sure that these key areas are vented and dry. The reason for this is that moisture is a major attraction for pests! Why is that? They need to draw moisture from their surroundings in order to survive. Not only are insects attracted to damp areas inside the home, but they can also be found in wet areas around the outside of homes as well. One inside area that is often overlooked is your pet’s water bowl. This could lure in insects because of the amount of sitting water. 

Carefully Inspect Your Groceries

Cockroaches, mice, flies and even birds are an issue for food retail stores. Think about it: the grocery store holds essentially every kind of food. The produce area is likely to be a pest’s target because it is out in the open. This is why it is so important to wash your produce and carefully unload groceries in your home. Roaches love cardboard boxes, so watch out for those annoying pests next time you go grocery shopping. You may be thinking “this wouldn’t happen to me,” but you never know! Our pest control company is only one call away to help you if this problem does lead to an infestation in your home. 

Make Any Necessary Repairs

Make sure you are keeping up with any yearly maintenance that your home needs. Repair damaged screen windows or doors and make sure they are cleaned. It might not be perfect but the best way to stay on top of an issue like pests is to do your part! Make sure to be alert and attentive to any sign of unwanted pests to stop the problem before it gets worse. 

Lookout Pest Control - Pest Control and Exterminator Services in Kennesaw GA and the Atlanta Metro area and Tennessee

We hope this has been helpful for you to prevent future pests and help manage your residential pest control! Our pest control company has treated homes for pest infestations since 1989, so you can expect quality service from our experienced residential pest technicians. Our friendly service and thorough pest treatments prove that customer satisfaction is paramount to our success. We focus on treating the bugs outside of your home, and stopping them before they can get inside, reducing the number of treatments needed inside your home. We provide continual training to ensure that all of our residential pest technicians constantly exceed industry standards. Give us a call today for service!