Preventative Pest Control Tips You Need This Fall

Fall is a time for pumpkin spice, colorful leaves, and plenty of outside occasions. Unfortunately, it’s also time for pests to start looking for shelter. The biggest issue with pests is that, once you start to see them—it might be too late. For some of the most common pests like ants, roaches, spiders, and termites, one usually means more. Even the smallest sign of pests on your property calls for a solution. At Lookout Pest Control, formerly Any Pest Inc., we care about the safety and overall cleanliness of your home. That’s why we decided to put together a few ‘Fall Tips’ you need for your home. So, let’s dive right into Preventative Pest Control!

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Fall Preventative Pest Control Tips

  1. Keep an Eye Out: Regardless of how vigilant you are, creepy crawlies always have secret ways to make it inside your home. The best way to prevent a pest problem is by keeping an eye out at all times for signs of nesting. Look for droppings, burrows, or nests. If you see one pest, it doesn’t mean you have an issue, but more than one could be a sign of them making a habitat of your home!
  2. Outside Maintenance: Do you have a bunch of clutter outside? Or maybe a seasonally active fire pit? Items that have been banished to the backyard, especially firewood, are an easy shelter for insects and pests of all kinds. All stray objects need to be stored at least 20 feet away from your home. If they can’t be stored that far away, then an enclosed container may help. However, the best way to keep up with your outside preventative pest control is through continuous outdoor maintenance.
  3. Seal the Cracks: Most pests don’t just walk through the front door. Stray cracks and crevices that appear in your house over time create the perfect opening. Some rodents can even sneak through holes no bigger than a dime! So grab some caulk, steel wool or even concrete and block up any potential openings on your home’s exterior or interior.
  4. Check your Attic: Although we rarely visit our attics or basements, they are the perfect place for pests to linger. Moisture and heat are major attractions for pests. Be sure to monitor your attics, basements, and other storage spaces. We also recommend looking into venting or drying these spaces out with machines like dehumidifiers. Preventative pest control starts with continuous monitoring!
  5. Clean Up: Open food is an open invitation to pests. That’s why the kitchen can be one of the most vulnerable spaces in your home if you don’t stay on top of routine cleaning. Keeping your food sealed in containers, the fridge or garbage is the best place to start. Then, you can start checking pantries and cabinets for any holes or loose food. If you have a pet, keep their food out of the bag it comes in and seal it in a proper container. Open garbage is not only disgusting, but an easy breeding ground for bugs, so keep all trash sealed shut and changed often.
  6. Get Professional Help: All of these tips are helpful, but sometimes a professional opinion is needed. When you hire a pest control company, you are sure to find expertise, knowledge and great service. They adhere to the highest professional standards and maintain the latest industry knowledge. Plus, most companies offer a monthly plan where they come to your house to do manual checkups.

Affordable Plans For

Pest Control

Get your complimentary quote by phone and be one-step closer to pest-free living. We will create a service plan that best fits your needs and a state-certified pest control professional will perform thorough service.

Why Do You Need Preventative Pest Control?

There is no reason to worry if you see one or two bugs in your home. Usually with any change of the season or residence, it can be normal, especially if you live in a heavily forested area. However, if pests do consistently manage to get inside your home or yard they can quickly become a problem to remove. With the knowledge of proper professional pest control services up your sleeve, you will feel confident enough to ditch the DIY in a real emergency!

Certified Lookout Pest Control technicians start by visiting your home or business and performing thorough interior inspections. This allows them to get a feel for your home and understand where problem areas might be. Exterior inspections identify the weak spots around the foundation of your home. Professional pest services are also able to analyze the specific living area to give best practice tips. Overall, they identify the specific pests you are dealing with, locate the source of the infestation, and work on minimizing and removing the pests. Going forward they work with you to prevent future infestations by providing you with home maintenance tips and scheduled services.

The Lookout Pest Control Method

For Lookout Pest Control, our company offers both commercial and residential preventative pest control. We follow a three-step plan to help rid your residential home of pesky pests:

Consult. As soon as you call or fill out our online form, a Lookout Pest Control trained and registered technician will contact you. They will talk with you on the phone and gather information about your pest infestation for free! After learning more details about your pest infestation concerns, we will set up an appointment for a free inspection of your home. We will work with you to address any concerns and always propose responsible treatment options.

Inspect. Providing a free inspection of your home allows our pest technician to discover your specific pest problems. We aim to find pest-conducive environments in or outside of your home that could enable future pest infestations. Lookout Pest Control technicians are trained professionals and will vigorously check your property during the inspection. We want any of our customers to feel comfortable, so we listen to all concerns you have. In the end, our team evaluates the results of our inspection and thoroughly discusses our findings with you along with our proposed treatment options.

Treat & Monitor. Based on your consultation and the evaluation of your property, a Lookout Pest Control technician will provide quality workmanship when implementing treatment services for your residence. We specialize in termites, mosquitos, cockroaches, and wildlife. Tailored specifically to your dwelling, our treatments minimize your exposure while keeping existing or potential pests out of your home.

Lookout Pest Control - Pest Control and Exterminator Services in Kennesaw GA and the Atlanta Metro area and Tennessee

Need Preventative Pest Control? Call Us Today!

It is important to hire professional pest control experts to locate and properly remove pests from your home. The above tips are helpful, but if you suspect that there are already uninvited guests in your home, you probably need the help of professionals. Besides, it may be dangerous or inefficient to try to deal with the problem on your own, and you may end up creating more of a mess than you had in the first place.

Lookout Pest Control has been providing quality pest control in the metro-Atlanta area for over three decades. We have the skills, experience, knowledge, and equipment needed to remove all critters from your home so that you and your family can rest easy. In fact, we have been protecting residential and commercial properties in Georgia from unwanted wildlife for 35 years! Our team offers a humane and responsible answer to your pest or animal control problems. If you think you are having a problem with pests, call us today for a free estimate.