
Why Do You See More Ants During Summer?

Ants are way more active during the warmer summer months. Like many other animals, ants hibernate during the cold winter season to avoid the freezing temperatures. Since these pests are cold-blooded, they decrease their activity in cooler months. Some enter partial hibernation and some die off altogether. In spring and summertime though, that changes. Ants come out in multitudes during the warmer seasons to look for food and build nests. Learn more about ants and their summer life cycle below from Lookout Pest Control, formerly Any Pest Inc.

Ants in the Summer

Once the temperature starts warming up, ants will begin to emerge and build new nests. When their body temperature increases, ants become more active, mate, and produce offspring. It’s just part of the natural life cycle. Whether they’re searching for water, heat or food, there’s a good chance that the comfort of your home will appeal to them. Your home could be a refuge or reliable food source for pavement ants, thief ants, pharaoh ants, carpenter ants or citronella ants. Not only house-inhabiting ants but those living in other places like fields and forests also become busy in summer. Ants use pheromones to attract other ants which is useful when they find a reliable food source. This means an infestation can become a problem quickly.

What Brings Ants into Your Home?

First of all, ants are coming into your home searching for food and warmth. During the summer months, the nights can be cooler and your home will provide ants with the warmth they need. Another reason for an ant infestation in your home is a source of water. Moisture is key to ant survival and your home has plenty of it. Lastly, a food source is one of the main reasons for ant infestations. If there is a reliable source of food, ants will come back over and over to collect. If you offer any sort of combination of heat, water, and food, then chances are you’re going to end up with a serious ant infestation in your home.

Ant Prevention

  • Seal Food & Drinks – All human and pet food should be stored in sealed containers. Keeping fruits and vegetables on your counter can attract ants. Put them up in hanging baskets or, better yet, inside your refrigerator or freezer. Trash cans need tight-fitting lids or should at least be stored inside cabinets if possible. Also, be sure to rinse out any containers to prevent infestations.
  • Clean Up After Yourself – Get rid of an easy food source by doing a thorough cleaning. Keep the floors of your home clean by sweeping, mopping, and vacuuming regularly. Wipe down all of your countertops, making sure to clean up under anything that’s sitting on them, and immediately clean up spills. Eliminate any hidden food crumbs that might be lingering in your cabinets.
  • Look For Entry Points – Check for entry points in bricks, cracks in the foundation, openings in the seal around doors and windows, or holes in window screens. Ants will continuously seek out and find new entry points in your home.
  • Create Ant Barrier – Bushes, shrubs and trees should be pruned back. This will keep ants from having a way to access your home. Make sure any firewood stacked up outside is not up against the house and don’t allow grass, leaves, mulch, or any other clutter to build up against your home’s foundation.

Ant Control

At Lookout Pest Control we provide expert pest control for any problem you may have with an ant infestation. We can identify the problem and ensure that you get rid of all of the ants causing damage to your home. Furthermore, we can help to prevent future infestations so that you won’t have to worry about ants in the future.